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Bird Nests and Construction Behaviour鸟巢与建筑行为
作者:Mike Hansell 著
“clearly organized and very well written,This book is a treasure,and is a pleasure to read”Ethology。  “Hansell’s book contains loads of information that will be …
原  价:¥479.00 
当当价:¥395.70  节省:¥83.30

Simplified Design of Concrete Structures简明混凝土结构设计 第8版
作者:James Ambrose,Patrick Tripeny 著
Simplified Design of Concrete Structures,Eighth Edition covers all the latest,commonly used concrete systems,practices,and research in the field,reinforced with exam…
原  价:¥768.00 
当当价:¥634.40  节省:¥133.60

Seattle Public Library 建筑设计
作者:Office for Metropolitan Architecture,Michael Kubo 著
出版社:Oversea Publishing House
OMA’s design for the Seattle Public Library--one of the firm’s most heavily anticipated projects to date--begins with a radical rethinking of the very nature of the lib…
原  价:¥367.00 
当当价:¥275.30  节省:¥91.70

Knowledge Management in Construction建筑知识管理
作者:Chimay J. Anumba,Charles Egbu 著
A key problem facing the construction industry is that all work is done by transient project teams, and in the past there has been no structured approach to learning from…
原  价:¥1,085.00 
当当价:¥896.20  节省:¥188.80

Simplified engineering for architects and builders建筑师与施工者简化工程须知(第10版)
作者:James Ambrose,Patrick Tripeny 著
The definitive reference for design and construction-in an updated edition!  Entering its seventh decade as the industry leader, Simplified Engineering for Architects a…
原  价:¥859.00 
当当价:¥709.50  节省:¥149.50

建筑设计The Yokohama Project Foreign Office Architects
作者:Alejandro Zaera-Polo, Tomoko Sakamoto, Albert Ferre, Michael Kubo 著
出版社:Oversea Publishing House
The Yokohama Project: An interesting building usually has an equally interesting tale to tell, an epic embedded in the organization of the massive, complex amount of matt…
原  价:¥367.00 
当当价:¥275.30  节省:¥91.70

Matters 建筑设计
作者:Jaime Salazar  著
出版社:Oversea Publishing House
The second issue of Verb asks: What can we really build? Verb Matters explores the formal and material possibilities for construction in our present information era, with…
原  价:¥355.00 
当当价:¥266.30  节省:¥88.70

网络在建筑物中的设计 Project(The House is the Computer、The structure is the Network)
作者:Laura Cantarella 等著
出版社:Oversea Publishing House
Description: The Media House Project is the result of a strategic alliance between the Metapolis Group from Barcelona, the MIT Media Lab, and the Fundacio Politecnica de …
原  价:¥379.00 
当当价:¥284.30  节省:¥94.70

建筑设计Mercedes-Benz Brand Places Architecture and Interior Design
作者:Christian Marquart 等著
出版社:Oversea Publishing House
The internationally renowned brand Mercedes-Benz offers in this publication an exclusive insight into the significance of their point of sales as the decisive interface b…
原  价:¥843.00 
当当价:¥632.30  节省:¥210.70

Motor tecture Design for Automobility立体停车厂设计
作者:Dirk Meyhofer 著
出版社:Oversea Publishing House
This book focuses on the conflict between the two heroes of the 20th century;the myth of cars lending mortals almost infinite mobility, and modern architecture and buil…
原  价:¥477.00 
当当价:¥357.80  节省:¥119.20

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