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灯光在建筑物中的设计Lighting Design for Architecture
作者:Andreas Schulz 著
出版社:Oversea Publishing House
Private residences, public buildings, facades and urban spaces are the focus for architectural lighting designers who look to blur the boundaries between event lighting…
原  价:¥587.00 
当当价:¥440.30  节省:¥146.70

Corporater Architecture建筑设计
作者:Jons Messedat 著
出版社:Oversea Publishing House
Corporate Architecture ist ein strategisches Instrument zur Gestaltung von Gebauden, Innenraumen und temporaren Prasentationen for Unternehmen. Die Publikation stellt ers…
原  价:¥843.00 
当当价:¥632.30  节省:¥210.70

阿迪达斯厂房的外观设计adidas Factory Outlet
作者:本社 编
出版社:Oversea Publishing House
Der aus einem Architektenwettbewerb her-vorgegangene Entwurf von wulf & partner verbindet architektonisch-stadtebauliche Leitgedanken mit der Corporate Identity der Firma…
原  价:¥233.00 
当当价:¥174.80  节省:¥58.20

Peter Eisenman 建筑设计
作者:Emmanuel Petit,Mark Wigley 著
出版社:Oversea Publishing House
Fragments of the many practices of the American architect Peter Eisenman are the subject of Barefoot on White-Hot Walls,published in conjunction with the exhibition at t…
原  价:¥428.00 
当当价:¥321.00  节省:¥107.00

建筑与雕塑 Archi Sculpture
作者:Markus Bruderlin 著
Description: ArchiSCULPTURE examines modern sculpture's proximity to and interplay with architecture, a phenomenon long neglected in the history of sculpture--but especia…
原  价:¥485.00 
当当价:¥363.80  节省:¥121.20

Tragsysteme Structure Systems建筑设计
作者:Hannskarl Bandel 著
出版社:Oversea Publishing House
After 30 years of successful printing and distribution history, this standard work on structure systems - the most important prerequisite for any architectural design con…
原  价:¥609.00 
当当价:¥456.80  节省:¥152.20

亚洲艺术:材料、风格与技术 Arts of Asia: Materials, Techniques Style
作者:Meher McArthur 著
出版社:Oversea Publishing House
Throughout history, the beauty and value of the arts of Asia have been derived largely from the exquisite quality of the natural materials from which they are crafted. Ma…
原  价:¥399.00 
当当价:¥353.10  节省:¥45.90

奢华水疗酒店 Luxury Hotels: Spa & Wellness
作者:Martin Nicholas Kunz, Patrice Farameh 编
出版社:Oversea Publishing House
At these top hostelries, you’ll receive the levels of comfort and convenience you’d expect from the finest hotels, but you’ll also feel revitalized thanks to their emp…
原  价:¥428.00 
当当价:¥404.00  节省:¥24.00

室内设计 Beatrice Minda: Inner World
作者:Felix Hoffmann 著
Minda, formerly a pupil of Katharina Sieverding’s in Berlin, has been working since 2003 on a series of photographs that explore questions of homeland, exile and coll…
原  价:¥468.00 
当当价:¥441.80  节省:¥26.20

建筑与室内设计 Guild Sourcebook 22
作者:Guild Sourcebooks 著
出版社:Oversea Publishing House
For more than twenty years, The Guild Sourcebooks have introduced art collectors and design professionals to artists who undertake commissions of all sizes. This is art o…
原  价:¥360.00 
当当价:¥339.80  节省:¥20.20

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