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极致酒店设计 Ultimate Hotel Design
作者:Aurora Cuito 著
出版社:Oversea Publishing House
This sumptuously illustrated, beautifully produced book takes the reader on a visual tour of more than sixty of the world's most outstanding hotels. Divided equally among…
原  价:¥399.00 
当当价:¥376.70  节省:¥22.30

欧洲豪华酒店 Luxury Hotels: Europe
作者:Misc. 著
出版社:Oversea Publishing House
This sumptuously illustrated, beautifully produced book inaugurates a four volume series on hotels that offer the best in style, service, and design - on the most luxurio…
原  价:¥399.00 
当当价:¥376.70  节省:¥22.30

荷兰建筑 Architecture in the Netherland
作者:Philip Jodidio 著
出版社:Oversea Publishing House
TASCHEN’s new architecture series brings a unique perspective to world architecture, highlighting architectural trends by country. Each book features 15 to 20 architects…
原  价:¥228.00 
当当价:¥215.20  节省:¥12.80

景观 Landscapes: From Brueghel to Kandinsky
作者:Wenzel Jacob ,Simon Schama ,Thomas Llorens ,Pieter Brueghel ,Frederic Edwin Church ,John Constable ,Claude Lorrain ,Jacob van Ruisdael ,Wassily Kandinsky ,Claude Monet ,Vincent van Gogh 著
出版社:Oversea Publishing House
Landscape paintings are as diverse as the landscapes painters live in。 Northern Europe gave rise to both the wide, atmospheric spaces of Brueghel’s morality tales and …
原  价:¥579.00 
当当价:¥546.60  节省:¥32.40

餐厅设计 Restaurant Design
作者:Bethan Ryder 著
出版社:Oversea Publishing House
A mouth-watering showcase of the world’s most inspirational and beautiful restaurant spaces. The restaurant boom of the last twenty years has led to an increase in both …
原  价:¥531.00 
当当价:¥501.30  节省:¥29.70

当代室内细部设计 Contemporary Details
作者:Nonie Niesewand 著
出版社:Oversea Publishing House
Technology is revolutionizing the way we live lrid and everyday materials are changing form and furm and function as manufacturing techniques and laser-cutters transform …
原  价:¥468.00 
当当价:¥441.80  节省:¥26.20

家庭办公空间 Home Work
作者:Fay Sweet 著
出版社:Oversea Publishing House
These two books help prioritize the steps involved in setting up a successful home office, a task that can be daunting. Freelance graphic designer Evans focuses on select…
原  价:¥306.00 
当当价:¥288.90  节省:¥17.10

橱窗设计 Store Windows 13
作者:Martin Pegler 著
出版社:Oversea Publishing House
Store Windows No。13 presents new and innovative promotional, seasonal and advertising ideas for all seasons and occasions, and any type of sale。Inexpensive, easily f…
原  价:¥306.00 
当当价:¥288.90  节省:¥17.10

帕特考建筑事务所 Patkau Architects
作者:本社 编
出版社:Oversea Publishing House
The firm of Patkau Architects, founded in 1978 and based in Vancouver, British Columbia, has achieved international renown for work that draws on the principles of mod…
原  价:¥468.00 
当当价:¥441.80  节省:¥26.20

斯特恩住宅与园林 Stern: Houses and Gardens
作者:Robert A. M. Stern 著
出版社:Oversea Publishing House
Robert A. M. Stern is dedicated to the synthesis of tradition and innovation. In more than thirty-five years of practice, he has produced a wide range of building types w…
原  价:¥888.00 
当当价:¥838.30  节省:¥49.70

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