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About the author and the novel

书评人:苏荣 2011-09-23 17:30 赞[0] 收藏

Theodore Dreiser is one of America’s greatest writers, and its greatest naturalist writer as well. With the publication of Sister Carrie in 1900, Dreiser committed his literary force to opening the new ground of American naturalism. The general reaction to Dreiser has always been negative. He has been called a “Crag of basalt”, solemn and ponderous and the world’s worst great writer, but his influence is evident in the works of Sherwood Anderson, Sinclair Lewis, Ernest Hemingway, and James T.Farrell, among others. One of thirteen children, Dreiser was raised in Terre Haule, Indiana, in misery and bruising poverty. At fifteen Dreiser fled from home and went to Chicago, where he washed dishes in a cheap restaurant, clerked in a store, and painted advertising signs.  


作者:(美)德莱塞 肖淑蕙 朱小美



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