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About the author and the novel(3)

书评人:苏荣 2011-09-23 17:31 赞[0] 收藏

 She meets Charles Drouet, a traveling salesman on the train. After arriving in Chicago, she finds a job in a shoe factory, but the poor income and hard work oppress her imagination. She quits the job, lonely and distressed, she becomes Drouet’s mistress. When Drouet is away on a business trip, Carrie falls in love with George Hurstwood, a married manager. Hurstwood and Carrie elope to New York, and live together for more than 3 years. In these 3 years, Carrie becomes more and more popular while Hurstwood declines. Carrie walks out on him. Hurstwood becomes a beggar, sinks lower and lower and finally committed suicide. Carrie becomes a popular star of musical comedies. However, in her massive success, she still feels lonely and empty. Sister Carrie represents Dreiser’s belief in representing life honestly in fiction. Dreiser accomplished this through accurate details, especially in his descriptions of the urban settings in which many of his stories take places. In his naturalistic portrayals, Dreiser sees his characters as victims of social and economic forces and of date.



作者:(美)德莱塞 肖淑蕙 朱小美



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