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The safety needs: becoming Drouet’s mistress

书评人:苏荣 2011-09-30 17:12 赞[0] 收藏
Chicago is a charming city indeed. Carrie is surrounded by various temptations.
Carrie passed along the busy aisles, much affected by the remarkable displays of trinkets, dress goods, stationary and jewelry. Each separate counter was a show place of dazzling interest and attraction. She could not help feeling the claim of each trinket and valuable upon her personally. There was nothing there which she could not have to used-nothing which she did not long to own. The dainty slippers and stockings, the delicately frilled skirts and petticoats, the laces, ribbons, hair-combs, purses, all touch her with individual desire.She realized in a dim way how much the city held-wealth, fashion, ease-every adornment for woman, and she longed for dress and beauty with a whole heartBut the fact is that the cold reality takes her by the hand. First, her sister and brother-in-law live a lean life and consumed by housework. The money left by Carrie every week is not enough for her car fares, let alone clothes, laces, ribbons, etc. And none of those things is in the range of her purchase. Second, in the shoe factory, the machines work intensively. Carrie is not strong. Her shoulders and necks ache in bending over and she is totally exhausted every day. “As Carrie listened to this and much more of similar familiar badinage among the men and the girls, she instinctively withdraws into herself. She feared that the young boys about would address such remarks to her.and the whole atmosphere was sordidCarrie doesn’t like to bear the hard work, the foul working condition and the human environment. She hopes to break away from the factory to enjoy physical comfort and from such uncouth men to keep her calm. Third, as the rigorous winter is around the corner, Carrie worries about the problem of winter clothes, for she has nothing to wear. At last, as a result of illness she loses the job and to return hometown seems to be the only choice.


作者:(美)德莱赛 著,裘柱常 译



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